Class is Crass!
Our class, Equality, has synthesized what class, gender, and race relations are now and how we got to our place. However, the second half of the course, Hxstory, explored what the concept of Equality could look like in 100 years. That is a very loaded question; I can't speak on everyone else's idea of time but a hundred years a long time to me. If you put it into the context of time, though, time suddenly is a lot shorter. For example, in 1863, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, and then in 1963, Martin Luther King Jr delivered his "I Have A Dream" speech. Do with that what you will. There were a ton of readings and activities done during the unit, one of my favorites was playing the board game Monopoly and having it set up in a way where we were a stratified society. But I may have a bias because I was assigned the upper class. The game really emphasized the inequities among the classes and that those who always start ahead will be ahead. The upper...