Let's Rock!: How Guitars Work
This second unit of Light, Sound, and Time focused on the process of how sound is perceived and testing how we can make different sounds. I am most proud of being able to build my own instrument. This project was about building our own instrument, called diddley bows and trying to test how to make different notes and octaves with a single stringed instrument. My device produces sound by using a battery to tighten the string and create different frequencies. Also by marking different points on the diddley bow you can create different notes and exemplify how the sound of the instrument changes with where the vibrations stop. My device demonstrates the key science principles of sound waves and pitch by showing how the sound’s pitch changes with which marking you are playing above. The higher up on the neck you are playing the higher the frequency is and the lower on the neck you are playing the lower it sounds.
Some data and measurements of my device include:
The thickness of my string is 0.41 mm.
The radius of the can is 1.5 inches
The height of the can is 4 inches
B1: 1 inch
B2:1.25 inch
H: 23.5 inches
The total are of my device and the angles of the device are:
area= 48.5 square inches.
1: 90
2: 90
3: 60
4: 120
360-90-90= 180
The volume of the body is:
V=28.26 cubic units
The pitch of the harmonics are
E4which makes the frequency 329.63 Hz and the wavelength is 104.66cm
If I could do this project again, I would like to do my diddley bow have a tighter string to have a higher frequency and also have my design have a tighter fit to the board.
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